
Grind House Season 2!

Created by Everything Epic

The Host is back! all-new episodes, new rooms, items, and ways to die! Will you survive the grindhouse?!?

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Grind House May Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 24, 2023 at 11:39:11 AM

Hello Backers,

Good News! All content has been completed. We are in the last stage, where we review everything. From there we are off to the printer.  We are waiting on a few quotes before we decide which printer we will use.  

Pledge manager 

We are almost ready with the pledge manager.  We haven't gone live yet because of an error we couldn't figure out that would populate the wrong items for pledges.  It took a while to find out the cause and fix it.  Once it is live we will put out an update. 

Thank you! 

As always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as we can

You're the Best Backers in the World!

Grind House Prequel Novel #SLASHTAG 🔪🏨
over 1 year ago – Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 02:40:55 PM


Slashtag is the official prequel novel to Grind House! Imagine if Survivor took place in a super haunted version of HH Holmes Murder Mansion, and then was show-run by the bad guys from Cabin in the Woods. Put that all together, and you have an unforgettable story of a horror competition gone wrong... in all the right ways. The book is available now on Amazon, and for those looking to dive deeper, there is even a companion website:



The Game is going to print within weeks from now! The graphic design is nearly Done! Here's a Sneak Peek at some of the cards backs!



You're the Best Backers in the World!

Grind House April Update
over 1 year ago – Tue, Apr 04, 2023 at 11:37:36 AM

Hello Backers,

We want to put out a quick update to keep everyone up to speed on what's is happening.  We wanted to get the Pledge manager up in March but ran into a few hurdles.  The last one we are overcoming was our representative for Gamefound out of the office for the past 10 days.  Once they are back we will go through review, fix any issues, and then smoke test.  We will put out updates at each stage and keep everyone informed.  Pledge manager coming soon! 

Expansion content 

Playtesting, editing, revising, and layouts. have been ongoing.  It has been such a great experience. I think you will really enjoy some of the new features of the Grind house that the expansions have to offer.  No spoilers! but the designers did not hold back on what experiences the Grind house is capable of bringing to your table.

Grind House novel?

Jon Cohn the Designer of Grind House has a prequel novel coming out on April 27th, check out to learn details about the novel and where you can find it when it goes on sale.  

That is it for now, as always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

You're the Best Backers in the World!

Grind House February Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 17, 2023 at 10:55:13 AM

Hello Survivors! 

First id like to apologize for not putting an update out in January. I assure you it was for good reason, we have been BUSY making content. Time got away and before I knew it we were in February.  

What has been going on?

All game design, writing and expansion content has been completed! We are so excited in how Epic everything turned out. Everything is still in Raw form right now so we cant show just yet but we will as soon as its fit for viewing. 

What is next? 

We are currently on a very good track for completion. All Updated content and new content have been completed.  We are going to start playtesting,  new design and art will be starting as well that we have all the content for it, and lastly, an editor will be going through all content. All of this will be going on simultaneously. Once all the art design, playtesting  and editing are complete. We will send it over to the factory. 

What about the Pledge Manager?

Now that we have all content completed, we will be getting the Pledge Manager out as soon as possible. We have been working with Fullfiment companies already, and had rough estimates for everything. With all the content done we can adjust the estimates to be more accurate and get accurate shipping prices.  In the next few weeks we will put out the pledge manager. When it goes live we will put out an update and explain the process. 

That is it for now, as always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

You're the Best Backers in the World!

Grind House New Year update
over 1 year ago – Wed, Jan 04, 2023 at 12:40:37 AM

Hello Epic Backers!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you had a happy and safe holiday season.  We are currently in the stage where there is less to report.  We are still working behind the scenes,  but during the holiday season  most places slow or shut down.  Now that the Near Year is here, we will be pushing everything full throttle forward again.

At the end of the year we like to reflect on what was accomplished, where we fell short, how we can improve, and what we did right. We strive always to learn and grow from success and mistakes, better our products, increase quality, service, and of course, deliver more Epic. We cannot say thank you enough for the support you, the backers, have given us. Freight, shipping, and fulfillment have been more challenging than ever. Thank you so much for being understanding and patient with us.

2023 marks a truly Epic milestone for Everything Epic, our 10-year anniversary. After 10 years, we are going strong and are even more passionate about games than when Everything Epic was founded. We are extremely excited to ring in the new year and will announce some truly Epic projects. Our 1st announcement to Celebrate our 10 year is a brand new logo! It can be seen at the bottom!  If you have been with us from day 1 or cracked your 1st Everything Epic product open yesterday, thank you, and we hope you are excited to see what we have planned for the future.

As always, you can reach out to us at [email protected] with any issues or concerns, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

From Everything Epic to you, we hope you have a happy, healthy, and safe New Year, and thank you.

You're the Best Backers in the World!